Tuesday, March 4, 2008

R.I.P +12

Today is a dark day in geek world, as it marks the passing of Gary Gygax, the brilliant brain behind Dungeons & Dragons. I'll admit, I never really got into RPG's unless they involved completing the tri-force, and I didn't really know who Gary Gygax was until that episode of Futurama. But if it weren't for Gary, we would never have had that sweet Saturday morning cartoon that was way too adult themed for our impressionable minds. We also would never have had this little gem of hilarity.

It's a sad day in jock world as well, as Brett Favre announced that he's finally hanging up the cleats. I'll have to take him out of my pre-season Fantasy Football draft pick list, if I actually played.

So check out that Public Enemy album ruling the shuffle. That's the longest title I've ever had to say. It's worth every word though. Too bad more rap artists can't make full albums as good as this one. Makes you wonder why Flav needs to do reality TV. Oh yeah, the paying public has no taste. Give it a purchase or a download or however you absorb music into your collection. It'll tide you over until Guilty Simpson's debut drops. I don't care what pitckfork says, that guy rules.

I'm going to miss Deron Washington next year. So will YouTube posters at Virginia Tech.


Anonymous said...

Failed saving throw.

Doug Norris said...
