Monday, July 28, 2008

The More Talented One

Just following up on "Dark Knight" reports, critics and journalists are missing the most important aspect of this movie...Eric Roberts. That guy is freakin everywhere!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

And where, and where, and where...

I went to see The Dark Knight this week. I really enjoyed the film, and it's probably the best directed "super-hero" movie to date, most notably because it doesn't feel like a super-hero movie at all. It plays out more like an American crime-drama, which seems to fit the Batman franchise a bit better than all the costumery and theatrics of past interpretations (though I'll always enjoy Burton's first Batman). Unless you've been living in a hole for the past few months, you've heard a billion voices of praise for Heath Ledger's Joker characterization, and his performance fully lives up to it. The very first scene in which he appears in full costume, Ledger leaps off the screen and grabs the audience, fully stealing the show from some other great performances (Christian Bale and Gary Oldman are both great). It truly is a shame that no more of that talent will dazzle on screen again.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm the best!

Nothing has ever been a more enjoyable time-killer for me than Mario Kart. Many a hour was poured into race after race during my collegiate years (probably paving the way to my employment status in the future). Thanks to the Wii, my addiction has resurfaced. As much as I love the game, something just doesn't sit well with me. I couldn't quite figure out what it was until I heard two people give thoughts on the game. One, my friend playing with me as we raced online and repeatedly lost, said "these people we're losing to probably can't even drive a real car." The other, a co-worker, who said "oh yeah, my 5 year old loves that game."


Friday, July 18, 2008

Looking out my Window

I saw two of the stranger things on my usual route to work this morning:

1) A chicken walking down the side of road. I should've stopped to ask why she was there. There were no other chickens around, dead or alive, and she was well away from the road so as not to get hit.

2) A window sticker in a passing car that read "The University of Maryland University College." What?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dudes that look like Chicks

For the past three days, I've had Nelson's "(Can't Live without Your) Love and Affection" stuck in my head. I have no idea where I picked it up, but that might just be the gayest song ever. I blame 98.9 Liberty, because they play that shit, and this city loves that station. The worst part is that I don't know any lyrics past the opening two lines, and then the beginning of the chorus. I can't even remember the general tune of the song! Join me on my descent into maddness!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Mid-summer's Blues

I've spent too much of my net time lately scouring the World-Wide-Winternet for good mobile sites to store in my phone. If anyone knows of any, please send them my way (especially por...I mean mp...I mean news...yeah, news).

Also spent a good a good deal of time with the wii. I traded in some ps2 games so I could get Mario Kart. Gamestop doesn't have Mario Kart. Neither does anyone else...apparently there is a massive shortage of one of the best franchised multiplayer games ever in the middle of the slowest selling part of the year. Way to go on the production prep Nintendo. Now I'm stuck getting my ass repeatedly handed to me by Tiger Woods.

Who wants to go with me to see Hellboy II?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Online-journaling on the Go

I now have the internet in my pocket, so this is just as test of my mobility.