Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can you swing a sack of Doorknobs?

What's going on with vigilante justice? When I was a kid, the vigilante term wasn't thrown around so loosely as it is today. Those who took the law into their own hands were either friendly neighborhood webslingers, millionaire orphans, or gun-wielding nutjobs on the subway. Nowadays, their dorks with too much time and money on their hands.

Look at this clown and his mobile super soaker. This goon rolls around a trash can full of icy water with a walkie-talkie and blasts bums and low-rent dope pushers. Way to go Barney Fife. Maybe your next bot can be a helicopter that drops water balloons on purse snatchers and speeding vechicles.

Then there's the web's latest auteur, rolling around town filming johns with hookers and broadcasting his findings on his website, aptly named JohnTV. This just gives us more internet video of ugly people. As if YouTube and ABC weren't bad enough, now we have JohnTV providing an on-foot mashup of COPS, Jerry Springer, and those HBO documentaries about the seedy underbelly of life.

Maybe if these guys wore masks, I'd be more supportive. Then I could put them on a lunchbox.

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