Sunday, September 14, 2008


I don't get out to the theater much unless I'm rolling on some free passes, but out and about with friends Saturday night brought me to "Burn After Reading," the latest comedy piece from the Cohen Brothers. After throwing down about 35 of my hard-earned bones on tix, drinks and an unnecessarily deep busket of popcorn, we climbed the stairs of one of the smaller screening rooms and rested 1 row below the top for a better viewing angle. The movie was okay, I'd push for about a 6/10 based on post-drink consensus. It's no Lebowski or O Brother, but it's definitely got some hilarious moments, drawn out with a lot of steady-cam dialogue free sequences.

What completely marred my experience was the utter lack of courtesy and consideration from those around me. Over both my left and right shoulders were two groups of high school kids who didn't shut up throughout the entire movie. Immediately to my left was some greaseball who had to keep asking plot point explanations from his skank girlfriend because he couldn't stop texting long enough to catch the story. Somewhere in our quadrant of the stadium seating, some jackass kept typing on his phone and didn't have the f*cking key-tone turned off. What kind of f*cktard actually enjoys hearing a *beep* every time they touch a f*cking key on their phone? Is this how we watch movies now? Wasn't there a time when people actually cared about what they just payed $20 to see? Thanks for the heightened audeince regulation Regal. All that loot for a show and you can't pay someone to drag these babies out when they get too fussy?


Anonymous said...

Get off my lawn!

Anonymous said...

Hiya George