Sunday, July 27, 2008

And where, and where, and where...

I went to see The Dark Knight this week. I really enjoyed the film, and it's probably the best directed "super-hero" movie to date, most notably because it doesn't feel like a super-hero movie at all. It plays out more like an American crime-drama, which seems to fit the Batman franchise a bit better than all the costumery and theatrics of past interpretations (though I'll always enjoy Burton's first Batman). Unless you've been living in a hole for the past few months, you've heard a billion voices of praise for Heath Ledger's Joker characterization, and his performance fully lives up to it. The very first scene in which he appears in full costume, Ledger leaps off the screen and grabs the audience, fully stealing the show from some other great performances (Christian Bale and Gary Oldman are both great). It truly is a shame that no more of that talent will dazzle on screen again.

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