Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Vacation's Over

Well, I have officially returned from the Wachovia Championship, well relaxed and sporting a sweet sunglasses tan on my face. Spent parts of each day following certain golfers or watching certain groups play a single hole. Boo Weekley is now my favorite golfer, and Camilo Villegas has my favorite gallery (giggidy). All in all, a good week and good weather for catching some guys getting paid to play a game that frustrates and captivates millions.

Are you looking to expand your collection of gay t-shirts? Look no further. Click here. My personal favorite is the Fish Sandwich. And I learned a new term, which will probably be used in a drunken stupor next weekend.


PosterNutbag said...

lookie here-- you're up and running. i so think of you driving down the streets of ric, alarm blaring. that story made an impression.

Doug Norris said...

oh, it never was fixed...i drive to and from work every day with the alarm on. BWEEEEE BWEEEEE BWEEEEE WAAA WAAA WAAA WAAA BOMMMMM BEEEEEE BOMMMMM BEEEEE...all the way down 288.

PosterNutbag said...

that totally rocks

Me said...

Expect an matching set of "Butch Patrol" swag for the upcoming birthday.

Oh shit...Chinese Christmas 2008!

Doug Norris said...

i was hoping for Harmonius Homo