Monday, March 31, 2008

Bre-Bre-Break It Down

I'm not ashamed to admit, I have been a bit of a pro-wrestling fan in the past. I've gotten to see a lot of Wrestlemanias in my day. I saw almost everyone on VHS until I was in high school, then I started ordering them on PPV. Once I got to college, I met a resourceful young student who had come across a cable descrambler, and we watched EVERY event they had. Then I got bored with wrestling. Stone Cold left. The Rock left. Then this happened. Thanks, jabronies.

Jessica Simpson was hospitalized. Looks like her kidney was infected by demons.

I watched Serenity, MI: III, and Blades of Glory this weekend. All three were more entertaining than No Country for Old Men.


Dave (IAN) McKendry said...

That zero feedback just looked so sad.

Doug Norris said...

thanks for upping the quotient