Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Troubled Times

So, this week marked every stoner's favorite day in April, along with the release of "Asleep in the Bread Aisle" from America's newest thief of black music, Asher Roth. I've listened to what I can...and let's just cut right to it. We don't need this. We, as the listeners of music, be it shuffling through our iTards or forced on us in between advertisements for Extenze and Payday Loans, do not need to hear anything as good as what you can offer (Lark in my Go Kart) or as annoying (I Love College). Check out the samples on Amazon, hit up the "Greenhouse Effect" mixtape, or torrent the new's all pretty much the same. Be sure to go out and read a bunch of interviews where Asher says "I'm not trying to sound like Em" and "I rep the suburbs" and then listen to how he COMPLETELY BITES Eminem's vocal sound and you'll want to do some drive-by ass-whoopins in your local subdivisions. Once you get done, go pick up the more aspiring sets from The Knux, K'naan, or the newest DOOM, and wash that stupid blunt-cruisin crap out of your ears. Hit up Weiss or Pitchfork for a calmer, better worded and more responsive review.

If this torture wasn't enough, I watched "Wanted" this weekend. I'll save you the trouble, here's the only worthwhile clip: